NOTE: These first few chapters will be in more of a bullet-point structure, as we do not start getting into the meat of this universe's history until a few chapters in.
Billions of years ago
More than ten billion years ago
The universe is formed in one or multiple expansion phases that scientists called "Big Bang(s)." Federation cosmologists still debate in the 24th Century on the datation of the universe and the causes of it's birth.
The birth of the Universe represents a hideout for members of the Q Continuum. The U.S.S. Voyager was briefly transported here by Quinn in order to escape Q, but he too had once used this hideout and wa thus able to find Quinn.
Nine billion years ago
Hundreds of protostars collapsed in close proximity to one another forming the astronomical phenomenon later known as a black cluster
Five billion years ago
The star Sol begins to form out of the nebular dust and interstellar gases.
Female Q is born.
Four and a half billion years ago
The Guardian of Forever was asked its last question until 2267.
The ancient humanoids, one of the oldest known sentient species, seeded the oceans of many worlds with DNA codes, directing the evolution of life towards a physical pattern similar to their own. The varieties of lifeforms that carried this seed code to fruition include the Humans, Vulcans, Klingon, and Cardassians, and likely many other humanoid species of the galaxy.
Four billion years ago
Q and the female Q begin their romantic involvement around this time.
The planet Pollux IV forms in the Beta Geminorum System.
Three and a half billion years ago
On Earth, in a region later known as France, amino acids combine to form the first proteins.
Two billion years ago
Civilization on Tagus III exists as of this time.
One billion years ago
The Slaver Empire is the master of all intelligent beings in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Slavers and all of their subjects are exterminated in a massive war which caused all intelligent life to re-evolve.
Information pulled from Memory Alpha.
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